About The University

The Seoul Hero Institute is a private institution that prides itself in providing high quality education in the heroics field.

Anyone with the passion for heroics is welcome. We offer undergraduate programs under the guidance of certified professionals for all kinds of students. SHI commits itself in creating a safe environment for students to grow into well trained and socially responsible citizens.

Established in 1892, the university has since dedicated itself in providing top-grade preparation for students to further develop their skills, and shaping the next generation of future heroes.

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Student Handbook

1. Identification:
aaa1.a. All hero course enrollees are expected to have been granted their hero licenses before applying.
aaa1.b. All support course enrollees are expected to have been granted their production licenses before applying.
aaa1.c. All business course enrollees are expected to have been granted their business certifications before applying.
2. Bona fide students of the Seoul Hero Institute are given free medical consultation, treatment and emergency care under all and any circumstance in the school grounds.
3. All students are expected to wear their prescribed uniform unless otherwise authorized by the faculty/dean's office.
4. Students who wish to transfer departments must submit a transfer form to the dean's office and ensure that they have no failing grades prior.
5. All school facilities are to be used solely for academic purposes only. Should the need to use them outside the regular schedule of said facilities, a permit shall be completed and submitted to the dean.
6. All students are permitted one (1) roommate in the school dormitories given that they are of the same gender.
7. Offenses involving misconduct including dishonesty, vandalism, destruction of university property, plagiarism, fraud and theft are strictly prohibited.
8. Possession, use and distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol and firearms; unless from licensed support course students; on campus are prohibited.
9. Unruly behavior, public displays of affection, smoking and gambling inside the classroom or within the university premises are strictly prohibited.
10. Any act of bullying, such ash, but not limited to unwanted physical contact, fighting outside given training hours, acts that damage the victim's emotional well-being, slanderous accusations that cause emotional distress, quirk usage for physical and/or emotional harm and cyberbullying are strictly prohibited.

Any student caught or reported violating aforementioned offenses are punishable, depending on the degree:
Written Warning : will serve as a warning that any violation will be a ground for the imposition of a more severe penalty.
Suspension : could range from a week, a whole term or an entire academic years as the assigned panel would deem appropriate.
Dismissal : dropped from the school's student roster immediately upon investigation.

* The handbook rules are merely for plotting purposes. Everyone is free to break them as they see fit.

Point System Instructions

1. 10 points will be granted to students who make a creative introduction upon verification. (ex. self plot, video edit, sns post.)

2. Plot prompts will be given out by the dean's office every two weeks that will allow all students to be involved. These plots will be considered 25 points each.

3. Regular plots are rewarded with 10 points each. Yes, these include self plots as well.

4. Tagged sns posts (meaning the ones you did not post but are included in) are rewarded 5 points each.

5. Students are allowed to host events as long as they run it by the dean before hand. All parties involved in the preparation of said events will be rewarded 50 points.

6. Every two weeks, the top three students in each course and overall will be announced. Should you ever feel the need to know your ranking, feel free to contact the dean's office.

Undergraduate Courses


Students of the hero course are taught everything from battle strategies, first aid and emergency response. They are trained to harness their quirks for them to be exemplary heroes in the service of the community.

Hero Support

Students of the support course are taught to develop support equipment for pro heroes. They are provided all the tools and facilities for them to explore their endless creativity and exceptional craftsmanship.


Students of the management course are focused on the fundamentals of the heroics business. They are taught the ins and outs of the industry including forming and managing hero agencies to executive producing professional heroes.

SHI Campus Grounds

Student Roster

Coming Soon!